About Us

About Us

Nanotechnology Research Center (NANOTAM) at Bilkent University is dedicated to research on applied nanoscience and nanotechnology with strong emphasis on education and training. NANOTAM is an inter-disciplinary research environment which houses the nanotechnology related research efforts, and serves to all nanotechnology related departments in Bilkent University as well as the other Turkish universities that would like to have access to the center's facilities.


Our main research focuses on metamaterials, nanoelectronics, nanophotonics, graphene based transistors, AlGaN/GaN transistors and THz technologies.

Our Vision

Our vision is to be a centre for science and technology that supports and pioneers the national and international military and non-military R&D projects which contribute to reducing our country's foreign-source dependency and to developing local and national products that are superior and competitive with the international products through sustainable knowledge, manpower, production and measurement infrastructure for advanced research by contributing to the development of science and technology.

Our Mission

Nanotechnology Research Centre of İ.D. Bilkent University is a pioneering institution for education and R&D that dedicates itself to conceptual and experimental research on nanotechnology and nanoscience. Our centre has interdisciplinary research opportunities. NANOTAM works in cooperation with the faculty of science and faculty of engineering for nanotechnological research. Besides, it carries out joint projects with all institutions and universities that make such research in Turkey.

Our Goal

The goal of our centre is to become a scientific R&D centre where modern test and analysis devices are available. We aim to enhance number of researchers with master and Ph.D. degree along with providing required training environment to our members of staff and to improve the number of scientific publication and patent for scientific and technological studies in the projects and to increase the product quality and product performance by using newly developed technologies and to raise the customer satisfaction.

Quality Policy (ENG)

İ.D. BİLKENT ÜNİVERSİTESİ NANOTAM carries out business activities in advanced technology in which our country needs, and since its establishment, it has adopted the following principles;

  • High Quality
  • Continuous customer satisfaction and
  • Commitment to ethical values

In line with the principles we are bound to date, with the objective of providing products and services at international standards to our customers so as to improve continuously and maintain product quality; and to enhance product quality at every phase of our activities with;

  • TS EN ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management System

The management undertakes to provide all conditions and resources to ensure continuity and maintain product quality for

  • Implementing the quality management system,
  • Compliance with legal requirements,
  • Continuous control for every process,
  • Continuous improvement,
  • Customer satisfaction

Kalite Politikamız (TR)

İ.D. BİLKENT ÜNİVERSİTESİ NANOTAM ülkemizin ihtiyaç duyduğu ileri teknolojiler alanında faaliyet göstermekte olup, kurulduğu günden bugüne;

  • Yüksek kalite
  • Sürekli müşteri memnuniyeti ve
  • Etik değerlere bağlılık

ilkelerini benimsemiştir. Bugüne kadar bağlı olduğumuz ilkeler doğrultusunda, ürün kalitesini sürekli kılmak, sürekli iyileştirmeyi amaç edinerek müşterilerimize uluslararası standartlarda ürün ve hizmet sunmak amacıyla;

  • TS EN ISO 9001:2015 Kalite Yönetim Sistemi

ile faaliyetlerimizin her aşamasında ürün kalitemizi arttırmak için; Yönetim olarak

  • Kalite yönetim sistemini uygulamak,
  • Yasal şartlara uyum
  • Her süreçte sürekli kontrol,
  • Sürekli iyileştirme,
  • Müşteri memnuniyeti,

konularında sürekliliği sağlamak ve ürün kalitemizi korumak için gereken tüm koşulları ve kaynakları sağlamayı taahhüt ederiz.